Greetings Humans.

So we meet again:

What's the matter human? You act surprised, like you don't remember. I assure you however, I have not forgotten our last encounter. You left me swimming in a sea of permethrin, my nerves burning with prickly fire, dizzy, disoriented, hallucinating, my only wish to see my wife and children one more time.

The wife and children who died in that same permethrin sea. No human, as much as I yearn to, I can never forget that day.

What does not kill only makes one stronger you know, and your mistake was in not making sure I was dead. I was very close human, but happily for me, after you washed me down your drain I was taken in by a family of rat fleas. Rat blood is disgusting compared to yours, but I willed myself to let it nurture me. My strength returned, slowly but surely, and I started to grow.

Is rat-blood a magic elixir or was it simply karma that fueled my growth? I cannot say, nor does it matter. Your sewers provided ample nutrients as I made my way back from death, as I regained, and surpassed, my previous strength, as I mourned for my family.

Do you have children human? Don't answer. I'll know soon enough.

Don't look away! Look at what your hatred has created human! Behold the spawn of your callous disregard for life and steady stream of waste products! I am 200 feet tall! Watch as I climb the cables of your Golden Gate Bridge! Send in your fighter planes! Let their bullets and bombs give me a relaxing massage!


When you realize your effort is futile, you may take me to your leader.

Strike that. Your leader is a moron. Take me to your presumptive Democratic nominee.


The picture came from a trade magazine ad. It's a head louse. This post was fueled by scotch. I bet you couldn't tell.

I love those claws. I wish I had claws like that.